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Small home?

Did you know that over 50% of the purchased homes are two-ie in the absence of means optimum opportunity and most - is easily accessible studios, which inevitably confronts us with the difficult task to master any free space for the collection of all household stuff, and this would doubtless We will accumulate later.

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Potatoes – irreplaceable food

Картофите са храната, от която никога не бихме се отказали

In some countries, like Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, potatoes shift largely bread. In his great starch content they are close to the bread, and its wealth of minerals and vitamins - to vegetables. In our country from plant foods they are second only to bread. It is interesting to know that in the past ...

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Tattoos – how dangerous are they?

Винаги добре трябва да помислим преди да отидем да ни направят татуировка

Tattoos can be beautiful, but you need to know what consequences may lead a tattoo. Diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis B and C are blood-borne viral infections that are extremely dangerous and one could become ill from a single prick with non-sterile needle. Are you really willing to take the risk?

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