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Raw food eating – the most ancient diet of mankind

специалистите от Световната здравна организация (СЗО) причислили суровоядството и вегетарианството към списъка с болести, чието лечение изисква намесата на психиатър.

Raw foodists believe that when you consume food in its raw form, except that eating healthy can cure incurable diseases until now. In sharp transition to raw food the body of a man who is not accustomed to the increased amount ...

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Television and our children

Деца гледат телевизия

Most children begin to stand in front of the TV very early hours, which gives a great impact on their neuro-psychological development and is accompanied by side effects such as sleep disturbances, nightmares and nervousness. Whims that often show children and their intensity can result ...

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Cucumbers to be fresh and elegant

The freshness of cucumbers and their flavor is usually the first harbinger of spring in our kitchen. The very first dish you prepare with krasatvitsi immediately filled our kitchen with freshness and sense of greenery.

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