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Promotions and wiles of big chains

The promotions in major retail chains can be divided into two main groups – the price and non-price. The first group belong tastings, distribution of samples and gifts, demonstrations, raffles and games and more. Usually they take place within a few hours. It generally initiative comes from suppliers. An exception is the case of promotion of own brands when the initiative comes from the retail chains. Usually relatively short-term planning. Such promotional activities are very effective – during the tasting for example.

The promotions are the main weapon in a price war between major retail chains. Usually discounts encourage customers to enter the store with the attitude to economize money. Studies show that often the opposite is happening. Namely customers leave the store with carts full of products, only a small portion of which are in promotion.

Very often goods are on sale in limited quantity mentioned in the brochure, but with a smaller font. The purpose of these retailers is to attract more customers to enter the store and entered already, even found a promotional item, they never go without anything.

Pleasant music that we hear when we come into one of the largest retail chains is also one of the tricks. It is proven that appropriate music that customers hear while shopping, conducive to shopping. So often provoked by good music and sparkling promotional signs, we often go home with things that really do not need at the moment.

“Buy 2 packs and get one free” method affect our sense of profit. These proposals create the feeling that we get more than you pay. While such offers usually give very slight detour price for the customer in mind we are left feeling that we have received something for free. Everyone loves gifts! Using this method, large retail chains make us buy two packs to take third charge, double the sale.

Most of us realize all these tricks that apply all retailers, but always succumb to them.

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