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The emergence of caries at a very early age is a serious problem in modern glossy packaging and any sweets. Children hardly resist the seductive ads that are everywhere and our parental responsibility to protect them by imposing rules...

Children’s teeth – how to prevent problems

Children are more likely to have tooth decay before they start school, and even the first permanent teeth only grown already starting to spoil. The reason of course is malnutrition of children and Inadequate maintenance. Going to the dentist and regular inspections are not the solution. Dentists solve the issue of health of the teeth only partially – they are unable to interfere with the initial fracture of the teeth.

The decision of the matter is in the timely prevention of teeth and what to know why appear cavities in the mouth of our child, so we can prevent timely destruction of his teeth.

Бебе с четка за зъби си мие зъбите

It should be understood that the destruction of the hard tooth tissues is carried out directly under the influence of dental plaque. Dental plaque is a structured entity of normal living in oral microflora. The microorganisms in the oral cavity are about 40 species and have the ability, when you develop on a sound basis are not separated, but to grow as colonies. So plaque thickens supported by nutrients coming from outside, especially when feeding the child more carbohydrate foods and confectionery. Not good hygiene habits and lack of regular cleaning of the teeth, further complicates things.

Why Sugar is the teeth enemy №1 of our children?

The sugar is dissolved in water and forms a true solution, which can reach even to the deepest layers of the deposited thick plate. They are a major factor in maintaining the life of microorganisms in the plate. Almost all organisms can not decompose completely molecule of sugar to carbon dioxide and water, as happens in the cells of higher organisms. They are breaking this down into lactic and other organic acids. The more frequently consumed sugar and the higher the concentration is, and the more sugar remains in the plate and is converted into acid. Poster live and eat, as it continuously forms acid. Part of it is washed by saliva and fluids intake, another part neutralize plaque itself saliva and the remaining acid reacts with the teeth, and dissolve their mineral composition and injuring them.

The more thick plaque deposits are and the more sugar enters the plate, the greater is the residual acidity and the risk of caries respectively.

Poor hygiene increases enormously poster and combined with the consumption of sweets has become a sure factor for early onset of tooth decay in the child’s mouth.

Another minor factor influencing additional acidity is the adoption of acidic foods such as sweetened sour fruit and artificial drinks and others.

Many important responsibility of parents from early childhood to build proper food and hygiene habits. Brushing after every meal is an important condition for the prevention of tooth decay. Permanent podhapvane sweets is very harmful for the health of the child and for his teeth as part of it.

Дете с проблеми със зъбите седи в стоматологичен кабинет

Children should be seen by a dentist regularly – every six months to allow time to open caries. They have to get used by many small to brush their teeth regularly and it quality, avoid excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods and to know that regular check-ups are the responsibility that is important.

This depends largely on the parents.

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