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Tag Archives: Fruits and vegetables

Apricots – a good friend of our heart

Apricots have a mysterious healing effect on the heart, they are rich of potassium and are the only fruit whose stone can be used for food. Apricots are also rich in magnesium, which lower blood pressure. We present a recipe for eating apricot pits for the treatment of cardio - vascular diseases. Here are some recipes with apricots ...

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Cucumbers to be fresh and elegant

The freshness of cucumbers and their flavor is usually the first harbinger of spring in our kitchen. The very first dish you prepare with krasatvitsi immediately filled our kitchen with freshness and sense of greenery.

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Zucchini – good food for fickle stomach

Прясната, и най-важно вкусна тиквичка е тази, която боцка на пипане.

Courgettes contain small amounts of organic acids and their pulp is soft and does not cause irritation of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, they are good food for those suffering from gastro-intestinal diseases. Fresh and delicious zucchini prickly to the touch. The maximum storage period of courgettes 4-5 days of dry, cool place.

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Grapefruit juice is incompatible with many drugs

Grapefruit is extremely useful fruit that is rich in lycopene. This antioksinant is associated with decreased risk of prostate cancer. According to recent surveys and studies, grapefruit is a fruit that affect the way some medicines. Most studies have been done on the effect of grapefruit juice ...

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Meals made with carrots

The carrot is a plant with thick fleshy root with saturated color that grows underground and thin green leaves appearing above the ground. In selecting the carrots should be borne in mind that the roots should be firm, smooth, relatively clean and bright colors.

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Persimmon – an original solution to the yard

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Pomegranate is a fruit that still look at it with a little bias because like the medlar-tree has a specific way of maturing. However, it is extremely valuable for health and cure many diseases. Furthermore, we can easily cultivate it in our yard and garden, and the tree it has many valuable qualities ...

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Food and nutrition – interesting facts

Заа се храним здрвословно е добре да знаем някои важни факти за храните

Nowadays, fashion is healthy eating and everyone seeks more or less to eat relatively healthy. There are some facts are very important for feeding everyone and especially for feeding young children.

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Potatoes – irreplaceable food

Картофите са храната, от която никога не бихме се отказали

In some countries, like Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, potatoes shift largely bread. In his great starch content they are close to the bread, and its wealth of minerals and vitamins - to vegetables. In our country from plant foods they are second only to bread. It is interesting to know that in the past ...

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