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Ladies fashion

Long hair with free falling curls

Long hair needs care, nurturing and often trim the edges

Според тенденциите за дамска мода, правата дълга коса отстъпва на красивите свободно падащи дълги къдрици, които правят жената красива и сексапилна. Трудно ли се поддържат и как можем да ги постигнем без да навредим на косата си

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The shoes give up the woman’s nature

The weakness of women's shoes is legendary. Like any other human weakness and this can give very much information about the person who is obeyed. In our case ... it's a female character. Buying a new pair of shoes almost always brings a lot of joy of the lady. The choice of a particular model ...

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Woman and the red dress

The magical power of the red dress is unmistakable. Men stop breath when they see a woman dressed in red, like the color red enchants them and their acts of anesthesia. The real way a woman looks impressive it actually is to put on a beautiful crimson red dress.

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The combination black and white back in vogue

These are colors that every woman must have in her wardrobe. Combining and skillfully weaving in his dress black and white can be sure that you will always look stylish and elegant. The black and white remain timeless and forever in fashion. Black and white gives every woman the freedom to include them in your toilet ...

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