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Tag Archives: Healthy foods

Best Anti Aging Foods and Drinks

10 specific foods and drinks with anti-aging effect that will help you fight free radicals. And this will not just improve the way you look, but how you feel. By including some of these foods and drinks in your daily menu, you will undoubtedly feel fresher, healthier and more energetic.

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What foods are suitable during pregnancy?

По време на бременност е от изключтелно значение жената да се храни пълноценно

The body of a pregnant woman need to receive vitamin-rich and varied food in order to feed a healthy, full-term child, while the woman herself and to stay healthy. The physiology of the child in the womb suggests that it takes from her body everything needed ...

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Food and nutrition – interesting facts

Заа се храним здрвословно е добре да знаем някои важни факти за храните

Nowadays, fashion is healthy eating and everyone seeks more or less to eat relatively healthy. There are some facts are very important for feeding everyone and especially for feeding young children.

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What is the tomato exactly?

It is interesting to know that the first tomatoes were only ornamental plants, which were attributed miraculous properties. Tomato is from the lily family. To this family are potatoes, peppers, eggplants, but the poisonous belladonna and datura. For a long time they were not used for food ...

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