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On vacation in Venice, Florida

Beach in Venica, Florida

When choosing a destination for your annual holiday and wanting to spend it on a beautiful and clean beach, the best choice is Venice, Florida. You can do it every time of the year and stay in luxury vacation rentals on the ocean coast with perfect service. Tourist all over the world choose Venice, FL for their vacation.

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Easter decorations for home

Easter decorations for our home

Besides eggs, we love to decorate your entire home, making it more cozy and festive. Easter is celebrated three days, making it one of the most important holidays and the atmosphere at home is very important.

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Easter eggs – when and how to paint them

Let's make the Easter eggs beautiful

The first painted egg is kept until next Easter. It is believed that it brings health, luck and happiness. The second egg must also be painted red. It must be left in the church after Liturgy in the night before Easter. All the other eggs can be painted on your own with any color.

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Why the rabbit is a symbol of Easter?

According to an old legend a goddess become large and beautiful bird in rabbit. No one knows why she did it, but it is believed that just because the Easter rabbit was bird still nests and filling them with eggs. Another interesting legend associated with Easter rabbit says ...

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Easter legends

When Jesus Christ was crucified, his enemies pelted him with eggs, and God's will, they turned into red eggs, once touched the body. In honor of the miracle people began to paint Easter eggs red. Another legend says that when the crucified Christ on the cross ...

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