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Tag Archives: Healthy eating

Cucumbers to be fresh and elegant

The freshness of cucumbers and their flavor is usually the first harbinger of spring in our kitchen. The very first dish you prepare with krasatvitsi immediately filled our kitchen with freshness and sense of greenery.

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Zucchini – good food for fickle stomach

Прясната, и най-важно вкусна тиквичка е тази, която боцка на пипане.

Courgettes contain small amounts of organic acids and their pulp is soft and does not cause irritation of the stomach and intestines. Therefore, they are good food for those suffering from gastro-intestinal diseases. Fresh and delicious zucchini prickly to the touch. The maximum storage period of courgettes 4-5 days of dry, cool place.

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Meals made with carrots

The carrot is a plant with thick fleshy root with saturated color that grows underground and thin green leaves appearing above the ground. In selecting the carrots should be borne in mind that the roots should be firm, smooth, relatively clean and bright colors.

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What foods are suitable during pregnancy?

По време на бременност е от изключтелно значение жената да се храни пълноценно

The body of a pregnant woman need to receive vitamin-rich and varied food in order to feed a healthy, full-term child, while the woman herself and to stay healthy. The physiology of the child in the womb suggests that it takes from her body everything needed ...

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Which foods are functional?

Human nutrition can be healthy and favorably affect his body and may prevent certain organs to function properly. Foods that are optimal for a person to feel safe and efficient are actually - functional foods.

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