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Botox – more about facial fillers and dermal fillers in general

The first wrinkles almost always scare us. We see them in the mirror and we begin to understand that time is a factor that we can not fight. But are we not able to overcome it at least visually? Can we outsmart the mirror and keep the younger look of our face for as long as possible?

These questions can be answered in a specialized anti aging clinic for botox facial injections offering various types of facial fillers and also other dermal fillers. They are very effective and long lasting for almost every time of skin.

The appearance of wrinkles and aging of the face is due in addition to time and various other factors and causes. They are often connected and follow one another. It is good to start prophylaxis with appropriate cosmetics on time, but sooner or later, the first wrinkles appear. Sometimes they are irritating and they negatively affect our self-esteem. Cosmetics is not effective enough, no matter how stubborn we are. Their effect is unsatisfactory, and the mirror is merciless.

However, wrinkles can be smoothed by doing facial injections with dermal fillers like botox. These are precisely made in anti aging clinic with botulinum toxin — Vistabel.

Vistabel  is a neurotoxin that is injected in minimal amounts into the facial muscles, thus blocking the transmission of nerve impulse from the neuron to the muscle fiber. The muscle relaxes permanently and smooths the skin.

Botox and facial fillers have been very popular since 1992. Then, for the first time, they started in anti aging clinics to treat mimic wrinkles through them. The effect is very good and lasting. Usually the first results appear after 72 hours and the effect lasts 4-6 months. The face becomes smoother, the skin smoothes and the younger appearance is significant.

Usually, after 6 months, botulinum facial injections have to be renewed because the neurotoxin activity is depleted. Then the wrinkles gradually recover to their former appearance and we have  to re-smooth them with the same procedure – facial botulinum injections. The next time, however, the duration increases, and the effect is that there are no new wrinkles, because the treatment of the muscle thus prevents them from appearing. Thus, botulinum injections are also an effective anti-wrinkle prophylaxis that keeps your face fresh longer.

Botulinum facial injections are the best non-surgical method for smoothing wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes and eyebrows. They are made with an ultra-thin needle by an experienced specialist in an anti aging clinic without any anesthesia. The changes in the appearance are excellent: the eyes are revealed by the raised eyebrows, the expression becomes smoother, with a fresh look. The look becomes open and calm. There is a positive change of the person without any traces of any external interference.

Thousands of women and men around the world who care about their look are using facial fillers and other dermal fillers to keep their look fresh and beautiful. Learn more about botox, facial and dermal fillers in general by visiting this page, which provides more information about them and also offers medical aesthetics courses for nurses in Mississauga.

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