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Tag Archives: Child Development

Importance of family for toddler

In family the child gets its first knowledge of the outside world

The family is the first factor that influences the course of development. The beginning of the formation and development of the psyche of the child is placed in the family and family environment. The daily regime is one of the important conditions for proper neuro-psychological development of the child. The child's development ...

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Children masturbation – questions & answers

The reasons usually are different but are related to the emotional state of the child.

Pediatricians, psychologists and sexologists agree that masturbation in young children is normal. Normal in the sense that it is not a vice, not a deviation from the norm, not a disease.

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Important rules when your child’s works with computer

Our children spend much time at the computer. When the child is at the computer time flies imperceptibly and quickly, and long stay is not safe. There are certain rules that need to teach your child to make sure that the prolonged stay at the computer will seriously harm his health - for correct posture and not to damage the eyesight of our children

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Swimming is important for children

Плуването е важен спорт и за закаляване на детето

A strict age limit before the child shall not enter into the pool, no. Right time for the start of classes in swimming is a matter of individual choice of every parent who best knows his kid - how perceived hints how speculate whether hears how concentrate.

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Drawing – a favorite activity of children

Децата обичат да изразяват своите чувства като рисуват

Drawing is important for mental and physical development of the child. Furthermore, children form their imagination while painting. Drawing helps to aesthetic education of the child. According to psychologists every child expresses his vision of the world and its views of the surrounding environment.

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