Home / Woman today / Pregnancy and birth / What factors play a role in pregnancy?
Many couples who fail to have children often ask the question: Why is that and what are the factors that play a role in pregnancy? To answer this question correctly, you need to consider some important facts about the physiology of the female and male body.

What factors play a role in pregnancy?

The ability to conceive is called in medicine and fertility means that at one point a man and woman can create one or more live children. Another term reverse fertility is infertility.

Infertility characterized the failure of one married couple in regular sex life to create a generation. Interfilitet term refers to cases where a pregnancy is impossible to wear off and be born alive child. When the woman birthed once and can not get pregnant again, talking about secondary infertility.

It should be understood that the level of spontaneous pregnancy per cycle is between 15 and 20 per cent. If during any cycle, the woman has a normal sexual intercourse without protection around the time of ovulation, the chance of pregnancy is from 1: 4 to 1: 6.

Statistics gives accurate data on the number of pregnancies in a population as a function of elapsed time since the start of sexual intercourse without contraception in the absence of any treatment. For example, in the I -viya month pregnant 25% after 6 months – 63%, the first year – 80%, after a year and a half – 90 percent.

In the absence of any abnormalities just one of four couples will achieve a pregnancy during the first month, and for six months it will happen to 2/3 of couples. Therefore there is no reason to assume that a couple is sterile, two years before regular sex life.

What factors play a role in pregnancy?

Of known risk factors in men are:

  • sperm with sufficient fertility qualities including normal sperm count and adequate mobility.
  • normal genitalia, making it possible to deposit sperm in the vaginal vault back to the woman.

In women include:

  • regularly separation of normal eggs.
  • fallopian tubes, which can take an egg and make the transfer of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.
  • uterine lining capable of assuming at some point fertilized egg / implantation /.
  • cervical mucus, which allows the passage of sperm in the pre-ovulation phase / stage before the release of the fertilized egg /.
  • normal genital apparatus allowing contact of the deposited sperm in the cervix and cervical mucus.

To achieve fertilization, the couple must have normal intercourse quite frequent intervals to allow one of them to coincide with optimum kontseptsionniya woman.

The rate of pregnancy for six months is 16 percent if the couple had a sexual intercourse a week, 46% – from 2 to 3 week intercourse, 83 percent – more than 4 intercourse week.

Human fertility has peak – about 24 -25 years. Woman’s ability to conceive decreases precipitously after 30 years.

The most simple model for the study of the sterile couple as a base are:

  • semen analysis
  • HSG / contrasting study the permeability of the fallopian tubes /
  • measuring the temperature curve / detect anomalies in ovulation /

If these tests are normal, take other, more specialized, such as:

  • postcoital test, which revealed anomalies in the passage of sperm in the cervical mucus.
  • immunoassays
  • ultrasound.
  • endometrial biopsy.
  • hysteria and / or laparoscopy.
  • hormonal studies of sex hormones.
  • hormonal studies of other endocrine glands.

Modern medicine opens opportunities for pregnancy and for some reasons that until recently were considered persistent. These innovations generally known as new reproductive technologies significantly widened successes in the fight against infertility.

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