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Family problems

Children, psychoactive substances and family role

Drug addicts are sick people and we need to look at them as such and try to help them

Everyone knows that legallly or illegally /even via Internet/, young person today can find hundreds of psychoactive substances with different chemical structures and properties.

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Jealousy can kill love

Jealousy can become dangerous enemy of love, able to kill it and become extremely cruel and painful

Jealousy is an emotional reaction that can not be controlled and can cause separation. Every person is nice to be a little jealous. This is a manifestation of love and attention. When jealousy is a result of lost confidence is not so dangerous, because trust can still be won, albeit difficult balance to recover.

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Children masturbation – questions & answers

The reasons usually are different but are related to the emotional state of the child.

Pediatricians, psychologists and sexologists agree that masturbation in young children is normal. Normal in the sense that it is not a vice, not a deviation from the norm, not a disease.

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A successful career and a happy family – difficult combination

No one will deny that it is particularly difficult to build a career when we have children.

Констатирано е, че повечето хора, които имат успешна кариера, често не могат да се реализират пълноценно в личните си отношения. По същия начин, по който учениците учат уроци в училище, на партньорите са необходими определени знания за изграждане на личния и семейния живот.Кариерата не трябва да пречи на семейството...

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Violence – a problem in society and family

The definition of violence says violence is any action damaging property or injury to person or animal. The child's upbringing and shaping his personality is a major factor in combating violence. Here of paramount importance is the family. The family can affect both positively and negatively.

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Alcohol and young people – a problem of the day

More and more young people try alcohol at very early age. Factors that influence alcohol are numerous variables and too often dependent. Alcohol abuse affects utmost nervous system, distort the intellectual ability, balance ...

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Marital happiness – what is it and what does it depend?

И когато се съберат две такива щастливи души се получава щастливото семейство.

The happiness of man within him. There is no way a man to seek happiness outside ourselves - it is an internal feeling. And when put together two such happy people gets lucky semeystvo.Chesto justify our misery by external factors, but the truth is that man alone can control the process of happiness no matter what happens to him.

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When a child exhibits stubbornness


"My kid is stubborn." These are words that often mothers say, but do not think that this applies not only for their child, but just typical behavior for their age and partly a consequence of the behavior of the parents. The child tries remind them that it is not simply obedient doll robot, and began to build as a person.

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My child exhibits aggression?

Many parents worry that their child is aggressive. They must be calm because aggression is a normal feature of the children's character as long as it does not go beyond the permissible. When the time your child learn to control it, aggressiveness can be a positive quality and become synonymous with ...

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