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Kids today

Mold at home – a health hazard

The most important is to prevent the relative humidity of the air in our home from exceeding 75%

One of the mistakes we make is that we start cleaning the mold to fix the aesthetics of the home, instead of going after the causes for the mold appearance.

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Vitamins sometimes can be harmful

The use of vitamins without prescription for prevention purposes can lead to Hypervitaminosis

Very often mothers of young children provide a variety of vitamins to children recommended on the playground. They all believe that giving vitamins is always healthy and beneficial for children and their immune system. We should know, however, that their uncontrolled intake is not healthy. There are possible toxic effects, especially in pregnancy.

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Are allergies hereditary?

Kids on the field

A child of a parent with allergies can suffer from allergies is about 30 percent. If you already both parents have allergies, the likelihood that their children suffer from allergic diseases is increasing double (60%). When allergies is inherited not a specific disease and increased sensitivity to a specific allergen ...

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Important rules when your child’s works with computer

Our children spend much time at the computer. When the child is at the computer time flies imperceptibly and quickly, and long stay is not safe. There are certain rules that need to teach your child to make sure that the prolonged stay at the computer will seriously harm his health - for correct posture and not to damage the eyesight of our children

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Television and our children

Деца гледат телевизия

Most children begin to stand in front of the TV very early hours, which gives a great impact on their neuro-psychological development and is accompanied by side effects such as sleep disturbances, nightmares and nervousness. Whims that often show children and their intensity can result ...

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First aid for acute food poisoning

First Aid 2.0 е аптечка от ново поколение.

Food poisoning can happen when food you consume invested poor or stayed animal products. A disease that is related to food poisoning is botulism. It occurs by eating food contaminated with bacteria ...

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Children’s teeth – how to prevent problems

The emergence of caries at a very early age is a serious problem in modern glossy packaging and any sweets. Children hardly resist the seductive ads that are everywhere and our parental responsibility to protect them by imposing rules...

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Attention tick – what should we do?

When spring and summer come, tick bite complains also start. A tick bite is very dangerous as it can lead to many serious diseases. There are many wrong and dangerous methods of extraction of tick. Most - the proper way of extraction of tick with tweezers or by hand, but always with gloves, as you try to grasp the tick as ...

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Swimming is important for children

Плуването е важен спорт и за закаляване на детето

A strict age limit before the child shall not enter into the pool, no. Right time for the start of classes in swimming is a matter of individual choice of every parent who best knows his kid - how perceived hints how speculate whether hears how concentrate.

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10 grandma’s recipes against sinusitis

Синуити, които се обострят повече от три пъти годишно изискват лечение от специалист

Sinusitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. The inflammatory process moves from the nasal cavity into the cavity of sinusa.Sinuitat can be both acute inflammation and chronic, continuing illness with periods of attenuation or exacerbation of symptoms.

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