Doctor, why?, Hobby & Sports
Physical and mental rest are closely linked and complete each other: mental tranquility facilitates relaxation of the muscles and back - physical relaxation favorably affects on mental relief.
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For home, Home comfort, My home, Repair & Construction
Home comfort offered by the passive house, positively affects your health and helps you live longer. Given that we spend half of our entire lives at home, it is not negligible.
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Doctor, why?
Even when we sleep, our heart beats and does not stop, so we can live. And we do not know enough about it and how to keep it healthy. Good care of the most important organ in our body - heart, will prevent many fatal diseases typical of our time such as heart failure ...
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0 - 3 years old, 3 - 7 years old, Child health, Doctor, why?, Men's health, Women's health
Very often mothers of young children provide a variety of vitamins to children recommended on the playground. They all believe that giving vitamins is always healthy and beneficial for children and their immune system. We should know, however, that their uncontrolled intake is not healthy. There are possible toxic effects, especially in pregnancy.
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Desserts & Cakes, Doctor, why?
Apricots have a mysterious healing effect on the heart, they are rich of potassium and are the only fruit whose stone can be used for food. Apricots are also rich in magnesium, which lower blood pressure. We present a recipe for eating apricot pits for the treatment of cardio - vascular diseases. Here are some recipes with apricots ...
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Health, Interesting
Each machine wears out more when you move when running. In contrast, each person needs movement, not runs out! You can still make a comparison between the human body and complex machine. In both cases it is a plurality of items ...
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Earth & People
Nowhere in the world does exactly the same water in its structure. Passing through the soil, the water absorbs the vibrations and information about its biological and energy characteristics. Available fresh water is only half a percent of the world's water. These stocks practically not changed since the beginning of human history, but the world's population is constantly growing.
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Doctor, why?, Health
Grapefruit is extremely useful fruit that is rich in lycopene. This antioksinant is associated with decreased risk of prostate cancer. According to recent surveys and studies, grapefruit is a fruit that affect the way some medicines. Most studies have been done on the effect of grapefruit juice ...
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