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Old wallpaper are worn and faded and we want to change them. Where to start? Of course we first need to correct them. Old wallpaper removed with aqueous detergent to remove wallpaper. The other option is to have prepared themselves such a solution by adding 5 or 10% glue to water.

Changing home wallpaper on our own

Old wallpaper are worn and faded and we want to change them. Where to start?

Of course we first need to correct them. Old wallpaper removed with aqueous detergent to remove wallpaper.
Another option is to prepare yourself such a solution, add 5 or 10% glue to water. Washable wallpaper must first be perforated and treated with sandpaper.
Roughness as paint or other irregularities are scraped with sandpaper. Remove dust from the wall with a wet brush and let it dry.

However, to buy new wallpaper.

The stores are full of exceptional variety of beautiful wallpaper and the choice is usually quite difficult:

1. Wallpaper

Wallpaper made of paper, typically of two layers of paper. The top layer is stamped or embossed and colored. The inner layer serves as a supporting material during repair of the wall remains after peel off the top layer.

2. Structure (relief) wallpaper

Special paste paint is laid on the support material of wallpaper. Thus light and shadow create interesting three-dimensional effect on the front surface of the wallpaper. When peeling off the wall his inner layer is peeled off easily.

3. Vinyl wallpaper

This wallpaper consists of a stiffening material that is firmly bonded to the vinyl layer. Front is embossed, smooth or embossed. Vinyl wallpaper are laid in places where require a firm surface.

4. Non-foldable wallpaper

The base of this wallpaper was replaced with a special moss. Available in two versions – with finish, a version designed for painting with paint after being stuck on the wall. This type of wallpaper is very easy to bond as no brush with glue. The adhesive is coated only on the wall and the wallpaper is put on a greased surface. It is resistant and not subject to change after wetting with glue as ordinary wallpaper. For repairs can be removed without residue from the wall.
Still we manage to make their choices and it’s time to start!

First prepare the wallpaper. We need big, empty and clean table to prepare them. If we can not find a large enough mass clean under us do the same job.

For starters need to measure the height from floor to ceiling. Add another 10 centimeters to celebrate this size and length on the wallpaper. These 10 cm reserve is needed to correct possible errors.
Cutting the wallpaper is suitable to use as a mock knife cutting the bookmark. When cutting wallpaper patterns must respect the continuity of pattern and do not forget to leave a margin of 4-5 cm vatreshen and vanshen corner.

Once we have completed cutting all large pieces of wallpaper, proceed to the stage of sticking. To do this, spreading the tapes on the table and apply the adhesive evenly with brush glue. The basic rule in sticking to the wall is that the heavier the wallpaper, the more densely should be the glue.

To soften the wallpaper, bending slightly-coated sides together and place the folded thus strips together, while namazhem all bands.

It is important to know that for adhesive tapes, our walls must be dry and clean. We begin taping from the ceiling and slowly move down.

Once we have pasted strip wallpaper on the wall, we must remove bubbles with air brush air removal. This is done by simply moving the brush upside down on the wall, with direction inverted V.
Marking excess wallpaper that will cut the while pressing the scissors to the edge where the ceiling meets the wall. Peel off the tiny wallpaper from the wall and begin cutting the marked area.

Then mark the excess and at the bottom, bordering on the floor.

When sticking wallpaper inside corner, starting from the ceiling and move down. At the same time we must not forget that patterns should not be interrupted.
Observing the basic rules are already successfully masked our room with wallpaper and it looks beautiful. Drying wallpaper lasts about 12 hours. During this time, we must remember to keep the windows closed.

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