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Botox Facial Injections

Botox Facial Injections

Botox facial injections can help you look younger and more beautiful. It is very important to find a good and trustworthy botox clinic in order to be sure you won't do more damage, than good to yourself and your health and look.

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Rose oil – a bit neglected treasure

Roses and rose oil

Rose oil contains many substances with medicinal properties. Rose oil has a good effect on chronic allergies (especially respiratory), prevents the formation of gallstones, helps with liver damage. Rose oil is extracted from the petals of the rose by water vapor. It passes slowly through special stills. The white rose is rose oil extraction more ...

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Long hair with free falling curls

Long hair needs care, nurturing and often trim the edges

Според тенденциите за дамска мода, правата дълга коса отстъпва на красивите свободно падащи дълги къдрици, които правят жената красива и сексапилна. Трудно ли се поддържат и как можем да ги постигнем без да навредим на косата си

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Stem cells can save lives in the future

The decision to store stem cells from the umbilical cord and placenta is entirely made by parents

Stem cells are primary human cells, which can multiply and transform into other types of cells - nerve, bone,, muscle, liver and others. This ability allows medicine to treat with them very hardly treatable diseases.

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Learning to control asthma during pregnancy

Asthma control during pregnancy

It is very important for pregnant women with asthma to be closely monitored. There is no evidence that maternal asthma can lead to congenital malformations in the baby, but there is a risk of premature birth, so pregnant women should be under constant surveillance.

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Fraudulent “Light” in artificial sweeteners

We often hear how harmful is sugar and how healthy life should be deprived of it. But sugar is a completely natural product. Of course, as with everything else - if you overdo it is dangerous to health.

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Mold at home – a health hazard

The most important is to prevent the relative humidity of the air in our home from exceeding 75%

One of the mistakes we make is that we start cleaning the mold to fix the aesthetics of the home, instead of going after the causes for the mold appearance.

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Teeth whitening – fashion or fad

Whitening our teeth under extreme conditions for them is risky, which should not be subjected before to consult your dentist. If we are sensible and use healthier recipes for teeth whitening, we will avoid many adverse health problems of our teeth.

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Vitamins sometimes can be harmful

The use of vitamins without prescription for prevention purposes can lead to Hypervitaminosis

Very often mothers of young children provide a variety of vitamins to children recommended on the playground. They all believe that giving vitamins is always healthy and beneficial for children and their immune system. We should know, however, that their uncontrolled intake is not healthy. There are possible toxic effects, especially in pregnancy.

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Marketing in times of crisis

Marketing - this is the main thing that helps a company to move forward and develop. For each company it is extremely important to draw its own concept of marketing. One important point in marketing is the Internet. It is constantly evolving and the business began to be transferred mainly in the Internet space.

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