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On vacation in Venice, Florida

Beach in Venica, Florida

When choosing a destination for your annual holiday and wanting to spend it on a beautiful and clean beach, the best choice is Venice, Florida. You can do it every time of the year and stay in luxury vacation rentals on the ocean coast with perfect service. Tourist all over the world choose Venice, FL for their vacation.

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Do we know how to relax qualitatively?

Active rest is the best!

Physical and mental rest are closely linked and complete each other: mental tranquility facilitates relaxation of the muscles and back - physical relaxation favorably affects on mental relief.

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Children, psychoactive substances and family role

Drug addicts are sick people and we need to look at them as such and try to help them

Everyone knows that legallly or illegally /even via Internet/, young person today can find hundreds of psychoactive substances with different chemical structures and properties.

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Jealousy can kill love

Jealousy can become dangerous enemy of love, able to kill it and become extremely cruel and painful

Jealousy is an emotional reaction that can not be controlled and can cause separation. Every person is nice to be a little jealous. This is a manifestation of love and attention. When jealousy is a result of lost confidence is not so dangerous, because trust can still be won, albeit difficult balance to recover.

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Easter decorations for home

Easter decorations for our home

Besides eggs, we love to decorate your entire home, making it more cozy and festive. Easter is celebrated three days, making it one of the most important holidays and the atmosphere at home is very important.

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Children masturbation – questions & answers

The reasons usually are different but are related to the emotional state of the child.

Pediatricians, psychologists and sexologists agree that masturbation in young children is normal. Normal in the sense that it is not a vice, not a deviation from the norm, not a disease.

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Easter eggs – when and how to paint them

Let's make the Easter eggs beautiful

The first painted egg is kept until next Easter. It is believed that it brings health, luck and happiness. The second egg must also be painted red. It must be left in the church after Liturgy in the night before Easter. All the other eggs can be painted on your own with any color.

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A successful career and a happy family – difficult combination

No one will deny that it is particularly difficult to build a career when we have children.

Констатирано е, че повечето хора, които имат успешна кариера, често не могат да се реализират пълноценно в личните си отношения. По същия начин, по който учениците учат уроци в училище, на партньорите са необходими определени знания за изграждане на личния и семейния живот.Кариерата не трябва да пречи на семейството...

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Violence – a problem in society and family

The definition of violence says violence is any action damaging property or injury to person or animal. The child's upbringing and shaping his personality is a major factor in combating violence. Here of paramount importance is the family. The family can affect both positively and negatively.

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Why the rabbit is a symbol of Easter?

According to an old legend a goddess become large and beautiful bird in rabbit. No one knows why she did it, but it is believed that just because the Easter rabbit was bird still nests and filling them with eggs. Another interesting legend associated with Easter rabbit says ...

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